What’s The Future For E Cig Vaporizers?
April 20, 2014 by admin
Filed under Family, House & Home, Technology
Electronic Cigarettes and their Future
It has been proven that if you smoke cigarettes, you stand a greater chance of contracting cancer. Smokers of cigarettes have a far greater likelihood of dying from cancer at a younger age than non-smokers. The tobacco industry is very wealthy and very powerful, with friends in government around the world.
Electronic Cigarette Smoking and Taxation
When the UK government is raising over £12 billion annually from tobacco taxes, it makes you question whether they really want smokers to stop? Alcohol is harmful for its users and also raises billions annually in tax duty. There is increasing anti e-cigarette feeling growing online. It seems bizarre to us that 130,000 people hurt themselves at work each year, and less than 200 die, but the Governments response is extensive health and safety legislation and the costly requirement of the creation of a risk assessment for every task required to complete a job, but 100,000 people die a year from smoking in the UK and the response is to make them stand outside to do it.

Twin Pack Vaporizer Starter Kit
If everyone stopped smoking, the government would have to raise £12.1 billion from other taxes to balance its books. It seems that the government don’t mind dangerous products as long as they make a profit from them.
The Regulation of E-Cigarettes
If e-cigarettes continue to grow in popularity, it will become necessary to regulate and therefore tax e-liquid. As vaporizers are regulated, the smaller specialist suppliers will be forced out by the industries giants. Will any regulation of e-cigarettes be in the public interest or the interests of the exchequer? It is going to become necessary for the UK government to regulate e-cigarettes in order to tax their use and recover lost tobacco duty revenues.
The UK government will be banning single use, disposable vapes from July 1st 2025.
Competitors of E-Cigarettes
Both the tobacco industry and the smoking cessation industry have the most to lose from the rising popularity of electronic cigarette devices. Nicotine replacement products like patches and gum don’t replace the satisfying inhalation hit that a vaporizer will give you. Despite not wanting to lose customers to electronic cigarettes, tobacco manufacturers aren’t in a position to argue against them on health grounds. There are rumours within the industry that tobacco lobbyists are supporting the smoking cessation industries campaign against electronic devices.
Potential Government Legislation
When the main concern of legislators is how to preserve their income from the duty on cigarettes, rather than the health of the general population, it makes you wonder whose best interests our politicians have at heart? Because e-liquid is made up of easy to obtain ingredients, it will always be possible to make your own e-liquid, thereby negating any duty levied on regulated products. The level of duty on e-liquid will have an affect on the amount of users that start to make their own. As long as cigarettes tasted ok and had nicotine in them we weren’t that concerned where they came from as I recall. At some point in 2013-14 we will see regulation of electronic cigarettes and vaporizers to some extent. Being able to tax e-liquid and electronic smoking devices is the only way that they will be allowed to continue to be sold in the longer term.
If electronic devices can’t be taxed successfully then regardless of the fact that they are a less harmful alternative to smoking, they will ultimately be banned. The UK government will look to regulate electronic smoking devices before they start to cost the exchequer too much lost tobacco duty. If they can’t see a way to tax e-liquid then in all probability the devices will be banned. As more people start using e-cigarettes the government will lose more and more tobacco duty, necessitating the need for duty on e-liquid to compensate the treasury.
It is seeming inevitable that at some point in the near future electronic smoking devices will be regulated to give the treasury some control of lost tobacco duty.