Search Engine Rank Reporter Software

April 28, 2014 by  
Filed under Business, SEO, Technology

Google Position Checker

Anybody with a website should know just where they are positioned in each of the search engines. While this is certainly most useful for all those with many sites and web marketers, that doesn’t mean it’s any less useful for the average webmaster. Good position checking software will allow you to identify where your sites are listed whenever you want to know.

Individuals who earn a living on the web will find this Read more

SEO Requirements For Top Rankings

April 23, 2014 by  
Filed under Business, Technology

Introduction to Optimisation

You must understand which algorithm, Penguin or Panda has penalized your website if you are going to fix it. Penguin is the cause if you can see a drop in Google traffic on the 24th April 2012.

You will also notice that the keywords you have used the most in your exact match anchor text are the ones penalized the hardest. We suggest using the free back-link SEO analysis tool at to see your back-link profile and see which keywords are currently being linked with the most.

Back-Link Profile

Before Google launched Penguin, it was OK to have a link text density of up to Read more

What’s The Future For E Cig Vaporizers?

April 20, 2014 by  
Filed under Family, House & Home, Technology

Electronic Cigarettes and their Future

It has been proven that if you smoke cigarettes, you stand a greater chance of contracting cancer. Smokers of cigarettes have a far greater likelihood of dying from cancer at a younger age than non-smokers. The tobacco industry is very wealthy and very powerful, with friends in government around the world.

Electronic Cigarette Smoking and Taxation

When the UK government is raising over £12 billion annually from tobacco taxes, it makes you question whether they really want smokers to stop? Alcohol is harmful for its users and also raises billions annually in tax duty. There is increasing anti e-cigarette feeling growing online. It seems bizarre to us that 130,000 people hurt themselves at work each year, and less than 200 die, but the Governments response is extensive health and safety legislation and the costly requirement of the creation of a risk assessment for every task required to complete a job, but 100,000 people die a year from Read more